Impressive nature without end

11/12 – 19/12/2022

From Port Augusta we drove to the Eyre Peninsula and looked at many different sights in the following days.

Lipson Cove
Steep coast near Kiana – It was very windy and cold!
huge sand dunes at Sheringa Beach
Big Ant

After a hike in the Yeldulknie Conservation Park, we passed through Port Augusta and headed east.

Big Galah
River Red Gum Tree, an over 500 year old eucalyptus tree
funny town name and christmas kangaroos

The first stop the next day was in the small town of Freeling. For fans of the Australian series “McLeod’s Daughters” (like Britt ;-)), however, it is better known as “Gungellan”. Logically, because some of the buildings standing here were used for filming and accordingly “equipped” with the fictitious town name. These include the hotel/pub, the truck stop and the Town Hall. Probably the most striking props of the series, the windmill and the bathtub standing next to it, are also set up in the town park.

Then we went to the Australian wine-growing region par excellence, the Barossa Valley. Around 50% of the continent’s total wine production comes from here. Before we left the valley again, we stopped at a lavender farm that “grows” over 90! different species.

A city tour of Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, was on the agenda the following day. From the botanical gardens we walked to St. Peter’s Cathedral and on to the statue of Colonel William Light. He was the first Surveyor General of the South Australian colony and planned & realised the city in its present form (at least the centre). Besides many original buildings, we also passed the monument of Captain Matthew Flinders. Not only was he the first to circumnavigate the entire Australian mainland, but he is also credited with suggesting the name “Australia” for the continent.

19/12 – 27/12/2022

Around noon we reached the state of Victoria and spent the night at a lake overlooking the mountain range of the Gariwerd (Grampians) National Park.

Taylors Lake with Gariwerd National Park in the background

Our first hike, about 9 km long, led along the Mackenzie River. We passed the Fish Falls and reached the foot of the Migunang wirab (Mackenzie Falls). From here, 260 steps had to be ” climbed” to get to the viewpoint over the waterfall. A short side walk then took us to Broken Falls further up the mountain. A breathtaking view from Balconies Lookout and the view from Boroka Lookout concluded this day in the National Park.

On the second day, Pinnacle Lookout and Splitters Falls were our destinations. Afterwards, we continued towards the coast and set up camp in the middle of a eucalyptus forest. Here we could finally observe the first koalas in the wild. 🙂

Then we reached Portland, the oldest European settlement in Victoria and site of the only deep-water port between Adelaide and Melbourne.

Historic Cable Tram

At Bridgewater, we took a short walk to a viewing platform from which there was an excellent view of several colonies of Australian & New Zealand fur seals. By the way, it is also the only place on the mainland where both species live so close to each other.

We continued to the Petrified Forest. The tube-like formations consist of sand that has been virtually cemented by dissolved limestone.

Finally, we stopped at the Tarragal Caves.

And yet another Australian coffee speciality we treated ourselves to – We shared a Lamington (Door 22)

For the next few days, we mainly followed the Great Ocean Road.

Day 1 – Coast and volcanic craters

Day 2 – spectacular views every minute

Christmas Menu – Fish and Chips
Door 24 of the Advent calendar – Was that delicious!

Day 3 – Detour into the rainforest

Day 4 – Farewell to the Great Ocean Road

We hope that the pictures have given you a good insight into our daily experiences. See you soon.

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