… we drove to just before the gates of Karlskrona. We reached the previously selected campingsite without any problems and had the opportunity to choose a fantastic plot for the next days. The pictures speak for themselves 😉

We were able to explore the Torkö archipelago, directly on our doorstep, on foot and came across a flooded quarry and lots of untouched nature.

Ronneby was the nearest town. In the centre, a charming church alley with historic little houses played an important role. In the afternoon, we treated ourselves to an original homemade cinnamon role (kanelbulle) in a café with bookstore included. By the way, the Swedish people have been celebrating their cinnamon role since 1999 with a special day on the 4 October 🙂

In the further surroundings, Sölvesborg awaited us with a tiny castle and a modern pedestrian & cyclist bridge. For Lunch we enjoyed a cured salmon before we learnt more about the life of the Baltic salmon in Mörrum. In additon to a small informative museum with a 13m long aquarium, the state fishery agency runs the breeding and kontrol of the salmon and trout stock of the local river. This also includes the renaturation ot the entire course of the river.

The next day we spent entirely in Karlskrona. This harbour city has been a Swedish naval base for over 350 years and stretches out over more then 30 archipelagos. Asides from that it is also home of the largest wooden church of Sweden, the Church of Admiralty and a super modern museum about the history of the navy. This has impressed us not only with its authentic and partly interactive way of exhibiting, but also an underwater tunnel where you can see the remains of a sunken ship from the 18th century at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Furthermore, we were overwelmed by original figureheads and a modern and mainly accessible submarine that was still in service until 1998. And to our surprise, it was all for free.

On our plan for this day was still the Björketorpssten, a rune stone with an engraved curse and the Hjortsberga burial site, with different kinds of stone settings from the Bronze & Iron Ages.

See you soon.